Your search for "etching" matched 54 page(s).
Showing results 11 to 20.
Death and Woman
Original print, soft ground, etching, 1910. Reproduced in 'Mutter und Kind'.
The Downtrodden
The left panel of a triptych, the whole measuring 23cm, 83.6cm.
The Prisoners (Plate 7 from the Peasants' War)
Etching, 1908.
Death and Woman
Etching, 1910.
The Ascension
Etching, 1913.
Etching, 1972.
Portrait of Eugen Klopfer
Etching, 1922.
Portrait of Herr Tau
Etching, 1921.
Dance 1
Etching, 1908.
Dada 1916-1976
Includes four portraits: From right to left 1. Hugo Ball 2. Emmy Hennings 3. Walter Serner 4. Hans Arp.