Your search for "purple" matched 6 page(s).
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Three Robed Women in Red and Purple
Fehrbellinerplatz, Berlin
One of five Berlin street scenes Bloch painted before he left Germany in 1934. The smoke rising from the crematorium appears prominent and threatening, framed as it is by the network of wires and poles of the almost deserted square. (Bloch nicknamed…
Autumn Evening, Klotzsche
This painting, depicting a sunset scene with a factory worker returning from his shift, belongs to a highly significant series of paintings Felixmüller produced in the early 1920s. The artist’s brother was a mining engineer, and Felixmüller produced…
Three Robed Women
Temple Trumpeter
Pastel, 1928.
Head in Black and Green
Original painted in 1913. In the years preceding the First World War, Jawlensky painted over a hundred women’s faces with black contours and dark, staring eyes. Here the large, heavily contoured, dark eyes gaze out to the viewer, an individual…