Your search for "weimar republic" matched 108 page(s).
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Stormtroopers Advancing Under Gas
This is Plate 12 from the series of 50 entitled War, published by Karl Nierendorf in 1924. War is Dix’s best-known printed work, in which he depicted the horror of WWI as he had experienced it. Dix had made over 600 drawings while serving as a…
Black Mother
Neuschul’s paintings of unemployed workers, Gypsies and black people provoked Goebbels into having his pictures vandalised in an exhibition in 1933. Neuschul portrays the breastfeeding mother with a monumental dignity, her watchful eyes indicating…
The Circus Barker
Plate 1 of The Fair, a series of ten drypoints published by Maier-Graefe and Reinhard Piper in 1922. Beckmann shows himself as a barker, summoning custom to the Circus Beckmann to see the harsh reality of fairground life which is seen as a microcosm…
The Dancers
No 2. of the “Ganymed-Mappe” portfolio of prints by German artists, published in 1922. Beckmann moves away from the sharper, cynical view of the world seen in many of his other prints, to show a softer side. The dancing couple, typical of thousands…
Hans Grundig
Hans Grundig was born on 19th February, 1901 in Dresden, Germany and died on 11th September, 1958 in Berlin. Grundig studied 1920 - 1921 at the Dresden School of Arts and Crafts. He went on to study at the Dresden Academy from 1922 - 1923. During…
Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity)
These artists felt that Germany’s defeat in the First World War and the social, political and economic crises of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) left no place for the early Expressionists’ utopian vision of life. This was replaced by a detached…
Ernst Neuschul
Ernest Neuschul was born in Aussig, a small town in what is now the Czech Republic. He studied in Prague and later Vienna, where he was fascinated by the paintings of Klimt and Egon Schiele and the expressionistic works of Oskar Kokoschka. At the…
Female Nudes
One of an eight plate portfolio with text by Hans Weigert of the Dritte Jahresgabe Album No. 21, edition of 150, published 1923 by Arndt Beyer, Leipzig.
The Bishop
Illustration, 1923.
Witch's Ride
Illustration, 1923.